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What Is The Role Of A Web Designer In 2014.

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What Is The Role Of A Web Designer In 2014.

by Miami Web Design

The internet moves at an alarming pace and as such, when it comes to web design, what used to work as little as 5 years ago may no longer be best practice in 2014. In fact you could argue the point that any designer that doesn´t write mark-up and CSS is simply ´drawing pictures´ and not designing for the web. So what is the real role of a web designer in 2014 and what’s it going to be like in the future? Today´s web designer In 2014, today´s clients call for a new kind of web designer. Larger companies are seeking a designer that can effortlessly move between many aspects of a design project swiftly, while wearing many hats. Start-up companies on the other hand are seeking someone who can take a project from a seed idea and follow the entire process through from to beginning to end. In essence it´s all about working flexibility. The flexibility to be a specialist (specializing in one aspect over others, over being a generalist or knowing to compartment, having expertise in one area only) is paramount for the modern web designer. To coin a phrase by Steve Jobs he stated that “Design is no longer solely about what the end result looks and feels like. Instead it´s about how the whole process works”. It´s this holistic approach to web design that makes for a true professional. Web designers of the future Whether you´re searching for a Miami web design team or anywhere else that´s local to you, you should be seeking a team that designs for the future. Beyond 2014, the web is likely to be even more dynamic and much more suited to the needs of the modern customer, wherever they may be. New technology such as ground breaking techniques that define the way that written web based content is presented, 3D graphics resembling high end video gaming and advanced web applications that are way closer to software are all likely to become the norm. As a result, a successful designer of the future is going to be one who shows no fear in trying something new, or designing for scenarios of uncertainty or complexity. They´re also more likely to be focussed on developing fully adaptable websites that take into account the client´s business in the future and not just for the here and now. In essence any web design team who aren´t prepared to do something different to what they´ve always done are likely to be left behind in the future. On the other hand designers who embrace change, are keen to take that leap of faith and latch on to new technologies and work with them, are far more likely to succeed. For more information refer www.miamiwebdesign.com

posted on Feb 13, 2014



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